

26 May, 2024

Open beta launch

The open beta for the project is now live! website is live. is live for beta testers.


30 June, 2024

Groups, Tags & Improvements

Organize your entries with groups and tags. Improvements to the UI and UX.

Schema changes are ready.

Completed UX improvements and adding more customization options.

Groups and tags are ready for testing.


23 July - 6 August 2024

Design Contest

Design contest for the app.

Design contest announcement.

Design contest entries.

Design contest winners.

View the winners


30 August, 2024

Sync & Backup

Sync your data across devices and backup your data.

Add new setting for decimal symbol.

Localization improvements.

Install as application tutorial.

Sync between another device.

30 September, 2024

Overview & Visual Stats

Get an overview of your transactions and stats.

Overview page with stats and charts.


30 October, 2024

Assets & Budgets

Add assets, such as gold, stocks, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies, and more.

Add assets.

Add budgets.

30 November, 2024

Open Source

The project will be open-sourced.

Write tests.

Refactor the codebase.

Write contributing guidelines.

Prepare workflows for CI/CD.

Publish to GitHub.

Accept contributions.


30 December, 2024

iOS Widgets

Separate app

Separate app for iOS widgets.

Developed by Nedim Arabacı.I care about your privacy.